A little off the subject but....


8 Years
Jun 14, 2011
New York
It looks like this hurricane is going to hit here this weekend. I was thinking of putting my 3 hens in a dog crate in my sunroom. It has 3 walls of windows and I can't find an answer to this question on the web. "Should I close all the windows in the sunroom or should I leave them open a crack?" I don't want them to break and have glass hurt my hens. Any help would be wonderful. Thank You
Any chance you can board up the windows?
So sorry to hear about the weather; wishing you all the best. Ugh, that sounds so lame and ineffectual
but it's true.
Always close windows completely, and board them over if you can. Do not fall victim to the old wives tale that duct tape will keep them from breaking. All it does is keep the pieces bigger. Dog crates are great temp shelters for chickens and ducks, put them in a bathroom turn the lights off and close the door. Cover the crate with a sheet or plastic drop cloth or shower curtain to minimize the mess.
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The "cracking the window" thing you're thinking of is for tornadoes, presumably to help equalize the pressure inside the house and outside. That's not an issue in a hurricane - high winds that can propel a 2x4 through a tree trunk are your issue. And storm surge.

But, really, babes - if it's a Category 1 by the time it gets to you, you're talking winds just a little worse than when in the midst of a severe thunderstorm warning.

How far inland are you? By our experience in Katrina, if you're within a mile or two of the water (or of a good sized bay or such) - worry about the storm surge. Also, the further inland you are, the more obstacles the wind (and water) will encounter before it gets to you, so the less wind speed you will actually get. Be aware that your lawn furniture will go flying. Think about anything that has a high sail rate - something that's twenty pounds and wide, that wind can get under and catch, is more of a problem than your twenty pound concrete garden gnome is.

If you can board up your windows, that's great. You don't need to crack them, though.

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