A little partridge showed up last night and mingled with my poultry (chickens, ducks, and geese)


6 Years
Sep 1, 2015
Stanwood, Wa

I did a photo search in google to determine what type of birds this is, came back a red-legged partridge. It fascinates me that this little guy just hung out with my poultry, the dogs, and us humans. It wasn't afraid and went in our garage, ranged the large deck and just generally mingled with everyone.

Would this be a domestic partridge? Do people kept these birds as domestic poultry? Should I try and find an owner in the neighborhood, or is it wild? I think the breed is the red-legged partridge. Doesn't look like it's native to my area, the pacific northwest.

I uploaded two photos. Red-Legged Partridge.jpg little quail.PNG Red-Legged Partridge.jpg little quail.PNG

Looks like a chukar to me. Although I am sure they are pretty close to the same thing if I had to guess. Chukar are both wild and domestic. They are not native though. Typically wild chukar inhabit some pretty wild places.
Thanks. Was the most laid back little thing, milling around. I was worried about it being outside after dark because of the coyotes in our area. If domestic, might not know how to be out after dark.
Chukar. Isn't native. Some people released them at one time. Can't remember if it was an escaped aviary bird or used as a game bird. Probably both. Native to Asia.
I'd take it if I saw one.

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