A long, disapointing weekend. but looking foward to Spring!

the chick can go without anything for 3 days,,,,,and as chickmomma said,,, i didnt think bout,,,,, but all that moving , and bumps and things in the car could kill it faster then anything else,,, other then the temp and humidity ,,, and what happens if it "comes out" while your going down the road??
keep it home,,, the chances are WAY better!
You could just leave it and ask her to give you an update everyday. If the chick hatches tell her not to open the bator at all. It won't need anything to survive except warmth. The water is not accessible by the chick is it? We wouldn't want it to get in the water.
Thanks! I think you're right...probably the safest thing for the chick.
and I would rather have the chick live and be healthy where he is instead of moving the bator and killing him, just to watch it hatch. Thanks everyone!
I am still open for ideas, but i guess this one is the best one.
Not much other options...

Super Chicken.....LOL
needmorechickens! :

You could just leave it and ask her to give you an update everyday. If the chick hatches tell her not to open the bator at all. It won't need anything to survive except warmth. The water is not accessible by the chick is it? We wouldn't want it to get in the water.

No, the water is under the wire in the bator, like MissPrissy's homemade cooler bator.
Not much room for the chick to move around if it hatches, but it should be ok, like you guys said.
I am thinking about making a list of things for my mom to know about the egg, chick, and bator. )like what temp. should be and how to lower/raise it if needed) ya, i think i will do that, then put it over near the bator where she can find it easily.

Thanks for all the advise, guys!!!
Lets hope all that strength from his daddy rooster and mommy hen help him make it!!!
I will ask my mom (if it hatches) to take pics of the baby! and maybe a video with her camera!
That way I can see it without having to miss much!

I will go check the little wiggler fuzzy butt in a sec.

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