A long, disapointing weekend. but looking foward to Spring!

IMHO the odds are pretty slim, if any at all. I saw the candling pic and it didn't look good at day 12/14 already.

It may have hatched on Friday after she left....we just can't know till she gets back!
Come home 77!! We need an update!!

Please chickie be dancing in the 'bator!

We all know the Mother never got any rest this week end. The phone rang every ten minutes, did it hatch yet? And as for 77, no sleep at all and the Father has no idea what is going on. We will hear as soon as 77 gets home, we know it will be good news.
Hey everyone!
Well, even I am shocked! I decided to bring the bator after all to my dad's house, and my dad had the heater on in the car so the bator stayed above 80*F. Egg was wiggling still and alive when i got there are friday night.

But I am SOO shocked today because the egg HASN'T hatched yet BUT it is wiggling alot tonight!!!!
I don't understand it! It's day 27 today and the chick hasn't pipped!
It's just wiggling!
What is it, a super chicken????

The egg MUST be hatching soon! Everyone thinks that it's dead and I am just imagining it, but i swear i saw it wiggling!

I brought the bator back, keeping temp. up. Had no problem with hum.
Yep, that's all i can say now. No pips. Just wiggles.

How can this be possible???!!! Has anyone had a late hatch like this one??!! I was even thinking it was dead yesterday and was thinking about giving up, but now it's wiggling a lot!

any advise?
Are you sure that the wiggling that you're seeing isn't the box moving and causing the egg to move when you look in the window? It doesn't take much movement of the bator for the egg to move a little.
Do NOT take my advise, as I have never hatched anything before,

but I think by day 27 I would be tapping open the end with the air sac and looking in.
Yes, I'm very sure. And when i candled the egg yesterday to check for movement, i thought i saw it moving a tiny bit. And on Friday when we got the bator settled in, i felt this pecking when i was candling the egg. yes, i know i shouldn't touch it, but i had to candle it. i had to make sure it was still alive.
yes, that's what i want to do, but I have never hatched before and i don't want to hurt the chickie.

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