A lot of chickens are dying

Wow! This has to be so scary for you! I am so sorry!

I am not sure if I will be of any help but hopefully others will be able to.
When you say they stargaze,do they stay like that or does it come and go? Any chance that you can see if the neighbor has a tree with this fruit on it? Did you save any of them? What is the name ofthe stuff you used to treat for mites?
Maybe the stuff for mites was too strong a dosage for chicks. Alot of chemicals can be absored thru the skin. I would also hang on to the strange fruit. in case it is poison or poisoned. If you find alot of it, I would pitch some back to the neighbors yard, so they could enjoy it also. Please describe the fruit, or post photos as soon as you can. Maybe someone on here can identify it.
When you say they stargaze,do they stay like that or does it come and go?

Their neck goes straight back and they are looking at the sky, or their neck is all over, it is like they lose all function of their neck and legs.

Their is no fruit tree on this side, I don't know about closer to her house. Our back yards meet together and on the side is another neighbor if that makes sense!

She has already called the board of health for me not taking care of my birds and the roo crowing so much. Well the guy from there said this is the cleanist coop he ever seen but as far as the roo he was breaking the nusaince law so I took him in the house because my 6 year old loves him. My choice was to kill it or get rid of it. Around that time is when my chickens were dropping like flies, after that she started a fight w/me and my husband said some really rude things and I went to the police station and he told her to stay away from us. When I talked to him again even he said she isn't going to be happy until all the chickens are gone.

Any way I have two right now in the house still the same not getting any better no matter what I do. They at least are not getting worse, but the D'uccle can't walk at all, she seems happy enough in her little basket, but I feel so bad for her. The other still limps and breaths w/her mouth open like she is gasping.

All I remember about the mite treatment I just did it was in a shaker container and it was for birds which was safe for gardens too. I am horrible with names of things

I have asked so many people about this and no one can guess what is going on. I might start to look to see if I can get the birds tested, if it costs too much I might even think of one of those fake cameras on the coop just to scare her. (if it is her) I just feel so lost, this is my 3rd year w/the chickens and I finally got birds I like and they are dying.
I doubt it was the mite treatment if this all started prior to treatment. It does seem odd that your birds started to all get like that after the complaints from your neighbor. Yes, i was going to suggest testing if it would be reasonable for you to get done. I would try to keep them as comfortable as possible until you check into the testing but if you could post pics of the fruit, someone here might be able to tell what it might be and if it might be the culprit. It sure does seem like someone planted them there if you don't have any type of fruit trees on your property!!!
It does seem like what ever it might be is affecting their nervous system.

keep us posted on how they are doing and if you get get any pics of the fruit!!!!

Hang in there!
Follow this link and then cut/past the question onto your post. By answering these questions as best you can you will help us to help you. It would also be a really good idea to contact your county extention office and find out who in your area does necropsies and send the next bird you lose in for testing. Many states offer this service very reasonably or even free and it's the best way to find out what you're dealing with so that you can start trying to fix the problem. Best of luck!

Nope, sorry. It was just my 60 hr work week + critters and kids catching up with me, I think I came in on page two and thought it was page one. I'll go back and read your first post and see if I can be more helpful.
Do look into the necropsy though, it's a bit morbid for some, but VERY helpfull.

have found this site extremely helpful. This page will give you a list of diseases your chickens might have. If you click on a disease, the next page that will come up has a window of pictures you can click through of what the birds with the disease look like, (clinical signs), of what the insides of the dead bird look like (gross lesions) and what the normal bird is supposed to look like. You can also view another window that will tell you about the etiology (how the disease came about), the treatments for it, and other helpful info if you can "weed through" the scientific jargon to understand the jist of what is being explained. I have done a number of necropsies (opening up a dead bird to see why it died) on my own chickens that have died. Please wear a mask and latex gloves if you open up a dead chicken and be careful to not get any fluids in your eyes or mouth and wash your hands and everything the bird touches very well when you are done. If you don't want a vet--you have to investigate if for yourself---and many times, you'll end up knowing more than your vet does about the birds--since many vets don't know much about treating chickens (at least, that is the case in my area). Hope you get help---hope you find the answer--and hope your chickens stop dying.
Call your state vet and ask about getting a necropsy; you might also ask about testing the birds as you have so many dying. I do think the neighbor could be poisoning them. Make sure they are in a locked pen or coop. You should also cover the top with shade cloth or tarp to prevent her from throwing things in.

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