Apr 12, 2014 #1 Budski In the Brooder 6 Years May 27, 2013 9 0 15 Somewhere in California Well da wife goes outside to let da girls out and she comes back in and tells me there's a turkey in our yard. You can tell he's on the prowl checking out da girls.
Well da wife goes outside to let da girls out and she comes back in and tells me there's a turkey in our yard. You can tell he's on the prowl checking out da girls.
Apr 12, 2014 #2 sourland Broody Magician Premium Feather Member 15 Years May 3, 2009 165,136 667,398 2,287 New Jersey Bud, it's not Thanksgiving!
Apr 12, 2014 Thread starter #3 Budski In the Brooder 6 Years May 27, 2013 9 0 15 Somewhere in California Everyday is Thanksgiving here, we just don't eat turkey every day!
Apr 14, 2014 #4 b.hromada Flock Mistress 14 Years Jan 9, 2009 15,721 974 501 south Florida, Pompano Beach I love it! I want to get a couple turkey poults, but the hubby says NO! thanks for sharing!