A new " chick" in Virginia saying hi!


5 Years
May 23, 2014
Louisa, Virginia
Hello to all! I am new to the chicken world and have become chicken obsessed ( with ducks following) I have a bit if everything from full size heritage to bantam frizzles) I have 8 ducks but I really love my muscovys. I moved to the country 3 years ago and bought a small coop. That was three coops later. Unfortunately this year we have been hit hard by a fox that we have been battling who has taken most oft flock.
Personally speaking I have 4 boys 22. 15, 13, and 11. I own 9 dogs, 4 cats, two parrots (one that is almost 45) , two cockatiels , and a female sculuta tortoise named Fred. I am a dog groomer and own a shop in the little town that we live in. Thank you for answering my ignorant questions in advance!

Welcome to BYC!

So sorry about the fox attacks. They can be brutal. You might want to do some chatting in our Predators and Pest section for help with getting your coop secure...


Sounds like you have a busy little farm! I used to keep lots of Cockatiels and Lovebirds. Down to one old male Cockatiel. 17 years old and still going strong. I also self taught myself to groom my Maltese. If you have any tips and hints, let them fly! LOL

Enjoy all your adventures in life and welcome to our flock!
great to have you joining the BYC flock

BYC has a very useful learning center

Some of our funny-farm or zoo at feeding time ....

This was one of the bad guys last year Mr. Bob-Cat a chicken
and duck killer many of these cat's took a long nap last year ....

All the fox I get none of them can I put up a photo of because
there is not enough left to be cool with everyone so in good
taste I do not put up pictures of deceased critters .....

Your local law's will tell you what is allowed to be dune to catch
a pest critter and most states allow a shotgun to be used .....

I like a 12 gauge with a 3 1//2 inch shell # 4 shoot as it has a
really nice spread and good distance get'er oh and load ....

Enjoy your poultry ......
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sorry about your flock losses, hope you are able to get the foxes under control.
Sorry you lost so many - maybe it takes 9 dogs to protect a flock. The fox has got to go!!
Can you beef up your coop and run.

I used to be a dog groomer also- from mid 60's till my son was born - 28 years ago.

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