A "new parent" question - SCREACHING


10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
This feels like when we first had kids ...everytime one of them would have a fart crossways, we'd call our parents to make sure everything was ok...

I've got a 20 week old pullet just starting to lay. This morning while on the nest she starts screaching like a hawk..I went in to check on her, and she's just sitting there calm as can be. Then 5 minutes later another screach!....then another ...for the last 20 minutes or so....she doesn't seem distressed or anything. She is a rather flighty bird, a mutt from a barred rock roo and ancona hen...

This is the first time I've heard it.....is it anything to worry about?
It is normal, they can be very very vocal while laying an egg. Especially a pullet. Think..................first time..............ouch. Ignore her if you can. She will likely make a huge fuss after too, the "I'm so prouid" chant. HenZ
Thanks for the reassurance lotzahenz -

She has been laying for about a week or so (along with 1 or 2 others).. this is probably her 3rd or 4th egg - and she is loud afterward, but I've never heard this before. I was outside and almost spilled my coffee the first time she did it!
I heard that for the first time yesterday. I was sitting inside next to an open window and I heard what I thought was canadian geese flying over. When I realized it was not getting further away, I ran out and it was my pullet that has just started laying. She was screaching but when she saw me shed quieted right down. I hope she doesn't think she can call me out of the house like that??
Just went out to check on her and she was just coming out of the coop clucking and bawking like crazy......


What a show off.....
My whole flock gets in on it- what a racket! And the roos always act like they did all the work!

Congratulations on the first egg!
My RIR's have been screaching and squacking for weeks ! Finally while I was gone today one of the girls laid an egg ... my poor neighbors I am sure she had quite a song to sing when she was done !

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