a Newbie here...a little bit about me and our chickies...


5 Years
Jun 13, 2014
Derby, Kansas
Hello everyone!
I'm so eggcited (ha ha) to have found this website. I came on looking for an answer for a hen I have with bad eyesight. She pecks about an inch to the right of whatever treat she is after. I immediately found someone with the same problem which gave me comfort in knowing my Eggberta (my 12 year old named her) is not alone. I give her treats while holding her out of a condiments cup while my others dive bomb the treats on the ground. She manages to get a treat and has quickly become a favorite.

Anyway... :)
My name is Barbara (Or Barb) and we have just joined the chicken adventure about 3 months ago with 8 chickies picked up at Atwoods. My oldest who is 15 has decided she wants to raise chickens for their eggs. We live on 5 acres in a housing development type area so we have hoped to only have all hens out of the 8 we purchased. SO far...6 hens and 2 roos...we think?

Their names....given to them by my 12 (Hannah) and 15 year old (Kaitlin)...who both decided they wanted to try their hand at farming and raise their own chickens for eggs are:

Wilbert (a roo)
Shelly (also a roo but the names now stuck)
Henrietta (hen)
Clementine (hen)
Eggberta (hen)
Yolko (hen)
Tyra (hen)
and Nugget who is also a hen...and only named that because she's a beautiful gold color with no intentions of eating her. :)

Hopefully those are sexed correctly. Only the top two crow at the moment. They have all been picked up and played with since their chickie days so they follow us around like we are their mummas. They have quickly become a part of our family. We just moved them into the coop my husband built about a week ago and I think they've settled in. (They had been in our garage in a large wired dog crate.) They free range during the day and they put themselves to bed at night when I go out to close up the coop. We plan on building a pen around their coop shortly but until then they help me in the vegetable garden trying to tame the grasshoppers. I am still looking for ideas on how to make their home cozy. I have one big tree branch inside as well their nesting boxes. I have a bucket with nipples for their water and a food bucket. It seems bare but I'm always looking at Pinterest for ideas and I'm sure I'll be adding on. Their coop is painted barn red with black trim...the inside is soon to be a soft yellow. I put laminate square tiles down for the flooring and have shavings on top but i still have questions on how to clean it daily? or monthly it seems? or even twice a year. That part still has me baffled but I figure it's a learning process and I'll figure out what works best? (as well as searching this site for ideas...my goal after I finish this. :))

We currently have 2 horses, 8 chickens and 2 dogs and 4 barn cats. The cats amazingly enough treat the chickens with respect and keep their distance. The chickens tend to be curious of the cats and get too close for the cat's comfort. We are all getting adjusted to each other and are ready to begin this journey of owning chickens. :)

So...that's a bit about us. I wanted to say Hi and I'm sure you'll be seeing me quite a bit on here. :)
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Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

Welcome to BYC!
Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Good job introducing yourself. It was very informative.

In terms of cleaning, the tile will be super easy to clean so great job on that also. It really depends on you in terms of how often to clean. If you want it to be squeaky clean with no odors then you'll have to spot clean at least every 3 days. If you don't mind a little mess then you can wait to spot clean once every week. You do have to do two annual clean outs though. Remove all bedding, scrub floors and windows, scrap roosts and refile nest bedding.

Here are a few links to check out also.

Hello and Thank you for your welcoming message and advice. It is soooo appreciated. I have picked out a couple of the bigger messy spots I've seen on a daily basis. I was wondering if I added shavings on a daily basis if that would help as well? but didn't want to make too thick of a bedding to pick through. I had read somewhere about deep litter method? I don't want to get it too deep though because I do go in their coop to clean. I will check out your links that you posted. Thanks again for being so welcoming. :)
Hello and Thank you for your welcoming message and advice. It is soooo appreciated. I have picked out a couple of the bigger messy spots I've seen on a daily basis. I was wondering if I added shavings on a daily basis if that would help as well? but didn't want to make too thick of a bedding to pick through. I had read somewhere about deep litter method? I don't want to get it too deep though because I do go in their coop to clean. I will check out your links that you posted. Thanks again for being so welcoming. :)
Hi there!

Yes the deep litter method is very effetive. Below is a link about it.


Hello Barb and welcome to BYC!

I use sand now, which I now worship! LOL But when I used shavings, I didn't do the deep litter method either. I cleaned out the poop daily and replaced the bedding I removed. If you have the time, this system works. My birds are outside most of the day, so cleaning up in the coop was an easy task.

You can ask questions in our Coop and Run Construction forums for more help with your coop designs....


Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Sounds like you have a nice little flock started! If you want to try figuring out what your birds are you could post pictures in the What Breed/ Gender forum www.backyardchickens.com/f/15/what-breed-or-gender-is-this
If you are using shavings, Sweet PDZ or Stall Dry are really nice to add, helps keep everything dry and keeps down odors.
Thanks for your welcome! I had heard also about using sand and I think I'm actually leaning towards it? I don't mind the daily work and like the idea of sifting through. I use shavings now but it seems to be a bit of a pain to hunt down the little "piles". I do use shavings for our horses and I have to say it is sooo much easier to find their "piles". :) Which type of sand would you recommend? Or can any sand work? I've also heard the deep litter method is great too. I've had a few great links sent my way. :)

Thanks in advance. :)

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