A Newbie needing help.

Ha! chick watching takes on a new meaning here at BYC.

Welcome from northern Michigan

And Welcome to the new BYC!
hi, how's it going...I must agree you are doomed...lol...soon enough you will be hooked like you never thought you would be.

I was like that, I was so impatient after my order I had to wait 2 months prior to them arriving, and yes, at the grocery store in the egg section I thought my eggs will be wayyyyy better.
I occupied myself by coming here, endlessly I might add, and read up on all sorts of things on care and feeding, looked at tons of pictures asked random newbie questions, and after 2 months when they arrived I had a perfect set up for them, and thus I came back on here a bit less often, maybe like 5 hours each night prior to bed ahahahahaha and read up some more on chicken behaviour to see if what that little chick did that day was normal, LOL either way, half your time or a little more will be consumed by your chickens and the other little bit will be by BYC...both are highly addictive,

I fully recommend a very comfy spot, a snack stash and plenty of fluids!!


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