A P R I L Cigarette Tax,..Who is quitting????


11 Years
May 16, 2008
West Virginia
I have seen that the federal gov has put this huge tax on cigarettes and the price has went out of site. Thankfully I quit last year. Are there anyone else out there going to give up the habit or just keep smoking?
I quit last September due to a heart attack. Im glad I did. I dont think I couldnt justify paying $5 a pack.
Luckily I don't smoke but I heard the big cigarette companies are raising their prices also cause of the tax raise since less people will be buying. I seen a thing a while back about electric cigarettes. They still give you the nicotine but without the smoke. Also can be used in public places as long as they know it's an electric one that doesn't cause second hand smoke. They might be cheapier to buy than actual cigs. Might be something for those who smoke to look into.

I looked them up and the ones I had heard of are called Gamucci Micro Electronic Cigarette. I think the company is in Englund but they probably ship to the US.
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I heard they raised prices on them before the tax also. My husband came home the other day and gave me a great big kiss and told me he was sooooo glad that I quit when I did. I don't want to harp but I hope others will find it more necassary(sp?) to quit now. This is a huge price increase. When I first started smoking cigarettes were only $1 a pack,....that hasn't been all that long ago either.
I dont smoke, but this has gotten out of hand! All this taxing. For what? Yes I understand smoking is horrible, but I dont see them uping the tax on alcohol. Or anything else that is bad for you. If someone chooses to smoke, let them. Dont make it so that just one pack of cigarettes cost $20. Just make it to where if you want to smoke you have to do so only in certain areas. But thats just my opinion..
Ditto. I dont think its right to tax alcohol, and tobbaco at a higher rate than anything else, just because our law makers thinks its wrong. I dont drink or smoke so the taxes dont effect me, but just wait they will try to stop obbesity(sp) by taxing junk food, sweets and soft drinks, and etc... because the law makers say that its bad for us. It wont stop. But thats just my .2cents.
I don't agree with this tax at all. I don't smoke, never have and neither does my dh but I think it is wrong to tax cigerattes. What about our freedoms, yes I realize people can still smoke but the price increase is not right.
I quit for a year but then in Nov my MIL died and I picked one up, thats all it took, I wished I had never done that. I am tring again and have greatly reduced how much I smoke, buts its so darn hard.

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