A picture with bugs - new pic. p3

I did buy a small bottle of Ivomec 1% and applied it to the turkey last night.

I'll take some close up shots this weekend, I expect there won't be anymore mites on him.

Thanks for all your help!
Sure thing!

As long as you applied the correct amount for his weight, give it 24 hours and bam! Lice all gone
Excellent shots. The best time to check Floyd out would be shortly after dark. If there are so many of the lice that the little ones are setting up shop on the margins of his eyes, then there are probably many clumps of eggs scattered hither and yon. Reapplication of lousing med every 7-10 days to kill of those lice just hatching out will probably be necessary. If Floyd is ranged/housed with other poultry I'd consider them to be infested as well and treat accordingly. A bottle of Adams Tick and Flea spray comes in handy for local application.
Cleaning out and replacing bedding is probably a good idea as well.

Good luck!
Yeah, Draftiemama, keep us posted. Mites have become my nemesis, and I'd love to know a way to wipe them out completely.

We only had a bad infestation once, and since then, I've been able to keep them under control with the powders, but I can't seem to get them completely exterminated. They reemerge every couple of months. I'm sure their eggs are in the cracks of the old barn, but there's no helping that.

I agree with Ivan3 - if one of your birds has mites, you probably want to treat your whole flock.
Oops, you are quite right. I saw how small they were in the first pictures and misidentified them as mites.

Just to clear, regarding my earlier posts: the bugs I am currently struggling with are mites. The little dark blood-suckers.

Lice, in my experience, aren't as bad as mites. My birds only had lice once (they were bigger than the ones pictured on Floyd, but same shape). The one time we had lice, they cleared up with a two-week cycle of permethrin poultry dust. I wish I had the same results with the mites.
I don't suppose one could use Ivermectin paste that is used for worming horses? If so, would the bird have to eat it since it's a cream?? or would you rub some on the bird? Just wondering.
We are lice-less!

liceless by draftie, on Flickr

I did the chickens, couldn't dose the peacocks (not user friendly) I'll reapply in a few weeks.

Thanks for all of your help and suggestions, I do appreciate it and so does Floyd.
In my humble opinion what you need is called (permethrin 10 %) I paid $5.95 for an 8 oz bottle at the local feed store it comes with instructions for poultry and if you dilute it according to the chart for live poultry its safe and effective for lice mites and other pests also in a stronger solution you can clean and treat your coops and runs with it

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