A Predator often overlooked


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 29, 2009
We had ten baby quail we went to check on in the morning a few weeks ago and we had a new pet in our hutch - a 6 foot snake. It had eaten 9 and was about ready for the 10th one it had already killed. I always thought that hutch was safe from predators but I guess not safe enough from snakes.

How awful - that picture gives me the creeps. I have that same Chick-N-Hutch and use it for all the new hatches. It's out in the tack room with the incubator and I've often thought about the fact that a snake could easily get through the 1 inch square "holes" in the sides of the hutch. You could cover the sides with a smaller hole hardware cloth.
Thats terrible, i presume you live in America? i lost 2 of my ancona chicks that werent even 24hours old
:hit we dont know what took them away from their mum but she was deffo distressed by it all, as i live in the UK think i can rule out snakes tho! prob a cat or squirrel

So sorry for your loss it really upset me when it happened to mine with it being my first time hatching with a broody hen.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

At what age will chickens become "safe" from snakes or should I always worry about that? Should I worry about all kinds of snakes?

Thank you

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