A Predator often overlooked

Yes it's Texas rat snake, it has a voracious appetite, consuming large amounts of rodents and birds, and sometimes lizards and frogs which they subdue with constriction
I read online somewhere that these people captured some of these snakes and put them in their rodent infested attic and after some time they went up and checked no sign of the snakes or any rodents either!!! But yikes to actually bring them into your house, those people must be wacko!!
I don't know which would be worse the rodents or snakes, it's close but I think I might rather have the rodents!! Where did they go after they feasted on the rodents????? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
We don't have many snakes here, but I am not sure that I wouldn't welcome a nice non-toxic one if it would keep the rats and mice at bay. But not my chickies. How awful.
sorry for your loss
I dont know if squirrels take chicks im just thinking what it could be, we have fields around us and a canal at the back of where the chicken enclosure is, but.....when the mummy hen took them out for their first outing today(how excited was I!!) one of my other hens was "sniffing" around the chicks even tho they were real close to mummy hen the other hen decided to grab hold of one of the chicks legs! luckily the chick got away and i shouted at the black hen! (I know I know she doesnt know what im saying but i was a little mad!
at her!!)
I was wondering about that, too. I was watching my chickens in the back yard and noticing a squirrel getting pretty close to them. The chickens do not recognize the squirrel as a predator. It made me nervous, though, so I stood up and shooed it away.
I would think it would. I have grey squirrels in my backyard in suberbia land. He attacked one of my RIR. They were out around the birdfeeder scratching, one got to close to the squirrel and he came jumped right at her.
Thank goodness I was out there, I don't know what would have happened.
I have never had trouble with any squirrels going after chicks. I do have a chipmunk that thinks he is a chicken. He eats at the feeder with the chickens and hangs out in the run with them. He is getting tamer by the day. My kids call him Chippy

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