A public service message from this moderator


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jan 26, 2007
BC, Washington Border
BYC has been growing at a tremendous rate lately and with it comes many new faces and personalities. The diversity and depth of knowledge of this board is staggering.

Along with this we have a very diverse age range on this board. Many teen and preteen members are on here regularly. What I would ask, is that members are conscious of this fact before hitting the submit button on their posts. I have done it myself on boards, replying to a post before thinking that there are many young ones who will read the post. Taking that extra second to reread our replies helps keep us a family friendly forum.

Thank you

Now lets get back to chicken chat!!!!!!
Thanks kstaven for the reminder!

BYC was established to be accessible by as many people as possible to provide a friendly and safe place for people to learn from and teach one another.

I'm constantly impressed by the manner in which our members conduct themselves to keep BYC the safest, nicest, fastest growing and overall best chicken community in the world!

Keep up the great work everyone and keep a lookout for new chicken owners that need a helping hand!
BYC is one of the only sites I allow my son unsupervised access to. I know it
is safe for him to read and I know that the members and mods keep an eye
on him too.

P.S. Scrambled Egg, he loved your racing post, especially the pictures.
Keeping it kid friendly should help keep it off the radar of alot of site blocking software at schools and businesses. It is always nice for educational sites like this one to be accessible at schools. If it stays rated G enough some teachers may even decide to use it in classroom exercises. That would be good for the site as well as contributing to education of how great raising chickens can be. These school age children are going to grow up to vote and some will be on city councils. We want them to grow up pro city chicken.

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