A Quackie Christmas Greeting


10 Years
Jan 11, 2010
I would just like to wish you all happy and safe holiday period, filled with family, friends and great times....... And of course - the same wishes to all your ducks as well.

And just to help get into the spirit of things some photos of my assistants willing to help out in spreading some Quackie Christmas greetings.


How in the world do you do that lady!? you should be a Ducky photographer!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays ducky!! i wish i was there instead of here. that would be fun!
I left things too late to get the ducks photos as Christmas cards this year- But I do like to take some every year. So at least I can post some here for you all to enjoy. I am about to do some brooder and bed cleaning- but after that I have an hour set aside to try for some more photos.

Lovesduckies..For every one photo I keep there is maybe ten where they have moved...its blurry or not right in some way. The little ones just hatched are easiest to work with, by the time they are even 2 days old they dont want to stay still for long.

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