A Quackie Christmas Greeting

What a beautiful thing to Photograph your ducks at Christmas time. Lovely Photos.

And Merry Christams to all of you here on the duck forum from me.
Its 10 am on the 22nd of November here now and my Christmas ducklings have pipped!!!!! Looks like they will be here as an early Christmas present instead of on the day itself. Of Course more photos will follow of the tiniest one should they make it before Christmas... I wish I had time to sew some tiny little elf costumes..
OMG!!! You just know what all us Duck people will be doing this next year for cards...making our ducks sit with hats on and stuffing the poor things down into stockings. Darn, I cant wait

Oh...and I cracked 1 of my eggs this morning, put some wax on it, so we will see what happens
My favorite pic is of a gosling under the tree in amongst the presents. Very cute- but taken way before a had a digital camera. I will have to find it and get it scanned I think.

Looks like I will still get Christmas ducklings. The incubator ducklings will be early.... But I have a broody who is such a darling. I candled her eggs tonight to find one beak in an airsac!! I looked at all the eggs and they all look to be a few days apart so I expect them to be Christmas and Boxing day and maybe even Monday at the latest. I didnt record when she started sitting, so never realised she may have Christmas babies. I know my duck couldnt have know when to start sitting but it is lovely to think she will hatch out some of her own on Christmas day itself. Normally my daughter wakes me early in the morning wanting to open presents. I think this year..... she will be waiting until I have gone out to check under the duck.

I hope the wax helps gofasterstripe. Even with my own in the incubator...I am excited for your first hatch.

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