A question about egg laying

feathered fannies farm

14 Years
15 Years
Jan 27, 2010
wild and wonderful w virginia
I have had several breeds of hens in the past. SL Wyandotts,RIR's,and Buff Orps. When they were in the egg laying mode I had all the eggs gathered by noon. With these Barred Rocks that I have now, they lay up until dark. My last trip to the hen house today was after 5 pm. and still had two in the boxes getting ready to lay. Is this a breed thing? Weather thing?? Feed thing?? These BR's are getting Layena, which we had never used with the other hens. Here in WV it is getting dark around 5:30 or shortly thereafter. So some are just barely getting their eggs laid before its time to hop on the roost. Any ideas??

I have two barred rocks and they both lay later in the evening around five so I don't know what to tell ya . My grandparents do not collect eggs till almost dark because they have some dominiqer's and reds that lay later in the evening. All my girls lay by noon but the barred rocks.
I usually collect my last egg three-ish. But tonight a br laid around 5 or 5:30. I see all three breeds in the boxes until 1 or 2, so i don't know if it's a breed thing.
It takes a hen roughly 26 hours to produce an egg, so it's completely normal to find eggs at different times of the day. It's a myth that chickens lay only in the morning.

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