A Question for Boyd and the rest of you Foster Parents.

Here your debt would not be an issue, but if your bf/gf is in the house it may be unless, it was same sex, and you're not allowed to marry.... long and short, you'd have to call an agency and ask. What they would want to know is the WHY of the not married. And it goes without saying avoid church sponsored agencies.
Have you gone to an orientation? If not, you should go to the orientation, and whatever classes you have to take before you can get licensed, just to get an idea of what you're in for and what to expect.

My husband and I are in the same boat. We tried and tried to conceive on our own, and it's not happening. Well, we know why now, but we decided not to go into debt trying expensive treatments. So we are in the process now of getting licensed. It's a long process, and different states require different things, but we are very excited.

You can decide what age, sex, anything. Where I am, they have to disclose everything before you decide if you want to accept the child.

Like I said, I would go to the orientation and the classes and see what you're in for. There's no obligation.

good luck!

Tonya in Oak Harbor, WA
FYI NOT almost any infant has issues. Every situation is different. I wouldn't go into this with assumptions- you should get the info yourself.

Also, if you are not married, but living together, that doesn't exclude you. Your partner would have to get a background check and get fingerprinted, as well as any other screening your state requires, just as any other person over 18 that resides in the house.
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they allow it here in michigan
you guys are bad.. you are enablers of chickens and children now? lol
i say this only cuz i want a baby boy so bad.. but i don't want to get preggers myself and end up with ANOTHER girl. i have three don't need more.... but i really really really have wanted a boy since i first was pregnant.. so.. here i am 11 years, and three girls later... lol. so maybe i could do something like this.. i just can't afford to adopt plain and simple and i love to help people out.. so why couldn't i do this? sounds like a good idea. i kind of talked with hubby about this on the way to trade a chick for quail eggs lol. and he seemed to like the idea. so, maybe we may become part of the foster family, well, family
but first we need to get our new house.

Thank you all, for helping me.. even if you didn't know it. ill have to see how things pan out.. but this sounds and feels right. i know, there are plenty of children out there that need all the help they can get.. and im willing to love.. and help them out:)

Miss Sue, I am the biggest enabler of them all

Foster care is easy to get into, and no money needed for adoption
It's usually subsidized if you foster to adopt. Most states either pay for it outright, or reimburse you 100%...... And I hate to say it, you can pick and choose who what how old etc with the kids.

Ok, so you want some numbers to get you started? I'd love to do some digging for you!!!!!
Jumping in, the Dave Thomas Foundation and Shaohannah's Hope both help with the costs of adoption. Dave Thomas focuses specifically on foster to adoption.
Each state's requirements and standards are different. This came from the
Arkansas State website. I have included the link for those who are interested in reading it in full.

http://www.state.ar.us/dhs/chilnfam/PUB-22 Promulgation .PDF

"The family should contain two parents, a mother and a father. Both parents are needed in order to provide maximum opportunities for personality development of foster children. Exceptions will be considered for single parent households on the basis of the applicant's special qualifications to fulfill the needs of a particular foster child..." (for example a nurse who could provide care for a medically challenged child, etc.)

As for an un-wed couple doing foster care, I know that it is not allowed here and you can read further about it at the link above. If the significant other is of the same sex, it is never allowed. No exceptions.
Holy cats!!!!!!

that is all allowed up here, and i thought our rules were pretty tough.
Arkansas' regulations are getting tougher and tougher. That's the reason they are having problems keeping and getting new foster homes.

Our license expires in August. We are probably not going to renew our license this year. It has all become too political and the children's welfare is not their highest priority it seems at times.

The last home inspection I had... they never even walked through my home, yet I was reprimanded for having "clutter" on my bar... like that was really a health or safety issue!

In the years that I have done foster care, not once has anyone ever opened my cabinets or frig to see if I had groceries to feed the children. Not once has anyone ever turned my water faucet on to see if I had running water... or warm water for bathing. No one has ever flushed my toilets to see if they even worked! I could go on and on.

And then there's the children! I have one little girl who has been in my care for 4 YEARS!! She has folks begging to adopt her (adoptive parents!) and DHS is still dragging their feet. In a few years.. she will no longer be a "cute little girl" that everyone wants. She'll get lost in the system like so many others I've seen.

My husband and I wanted to adopt a young lady several years ago. We were told another couple wanted her. We backed off. She has now graduated from HS, is 19, and still a ward of the State. Another sad story.

Sorry... I should stop before I really start ranting.

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