a quick dog behavior/training Q

...he is just a puppy...At least he is alert and saw something that he "thought" wasn't right. Beyond that it is hard to give any advise about what you should or shouldn't do because I/we aren't around him enough to know his mental make-up or overall attitude about things...Before you can "train" a dog, especially a puppy, you have to understand, the best you can, each dog individually. JUST like horses, can't train them all the same way...what works for one will ruin another...Hunting breed dogs are extremely smart and should be allowed to "explore" to learn. If you would have left him in the house and yelled at him, what would he have gained ? Nothing...let him charge out there and figure it out himself seems to be the logical thing to do...might take him all day to GET it figured out but at least you are letting him learn instead of telling him what to do...and he is just a puppy...buy a Tbone for him. You can just give him the bone or the whole thing, my dogs prefer the meat and it has to be grilled first, with a little steak sauce or ketchup.
Great posts guys...

btw Pat,
If you need help with leashing an overjoyus large dog try the halti leash. I have had a history of shoulder issues and surgery and I'm not the best at training my goobers. I have tried, but I don't walk often enough. lol. Main reason - they hurt my shoulders and back. So...jeeeeez lol. Time to get the halti collar out and walk! Just amazing. Definately a great training tool I would think.
I have kind of arthritic hands and wrists, so somewhat like you I do NOT appreciate 50 lbs of dog suddenly launching himself every whichway... I did think about the Halti (etc) approach but in the end settled for just putting one forearm all the way through the leash loop, running the leash *behind* me, and holding it on the other side with my other hand. Somewhat like you might do when longeing a young or stupid horse. This puts all the dog's pull relatively low on your body (butt level) and distributes the force to your body so that your *arm* doesn't get yanked anywhere.

Would not be appropriate for someone with balance or lower-back problems, I don't think, but it's worked really well for me. Although actually I've stopped doing it at all now that Russie is basically reformed

The "attack of the killer sheep" thing has not recurred btw. Maybe he sneaks out of his crate at night and watches scary late-night movies sometimes, I dunno.

My 6 mth old puppy went crazy the other day cause dh left the shop vac on the porch. I just took her close enough so she could get a look at it, she was a little scared at first but eventually went and gave it a sniff

When I had my german shepherd /lab mix, He passed from cancer. The vet told me to use a nose lead halter , I was very ill at the time and couldn't have him pulling me. It worked for us. But I have heard of some dogs who couldn't tolerate it.
Every dog is different.

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