A Raven just killed the chicks


Jun 16, 2019
I have a broody Barred Rock who sat on eggs for 2 stretches of 21 days (her first set didn’t make it - she got off the babies while they pipped and they got shrink wrapped). So, we gave her 2 more fertilized eggs and she hatched them. Today, everyone was happy and then we saw a raven in the pen and it had eaten the babies. It looks like mama put up a fight because her feathers were everywhere. Now, she’s been calling and looking everywhere around where they were killed. If she’s not doing that she’s sitting alone looking forlorn. She was a very dedicated mama. How long until she gets over it? Is it likely that she’ll go broody again or take a break?
I'm sorry for your loss. That's frustrating.

Your broody will look for the chicks for a day or two. At that point, she probably will eventually stop brooding. After 6 weeks, she should be done as her body needs to regenerate after all that hard work.

If she still remains very broody, you can consider getting some chicks from the feedstore (day olds) and placing them under her. If so, do so at night and watch to make sure they stay with the hen and the hen accepts them. Keep food and water closeby as they integrate.

Again, so sorry for the loss.

I'm sorry for your loss. That's frustrating.

Your broody will look for the chicks for a day or two. At that point, she probably will eventually stop brooding. After 6 weeks, she should be done as her body needs to regenerate after all that hard work.

If she still remains very broody, you can consider getting some chicks from the feedstore (day olds) and placing them under her. If so, do so at night and watch to make sure they stay with the hen and the hen accepts them. Keep food and water closeby as they integrate.

Again, so sorry for the loss.

Thanks…it was hard work - she was so diligent
How long until she gets over it? Is it likely that she’ll go broody again or take a break?
Sorry for your loss and hers. 💔

It has taken my hens a couple days to stop looking for their chicks and move on.. only when all were taken. They seem to move on immediately if there are still other chicks to brood.

PLEASE don't let her sit for double stints again. There are other consideration like simply breaking her or adopting some feed store chicks to her.

Eggs under broody's don't shrink wrap from her leaving after they've pipped. That's purely an artificial incubator issue. Cause of failure was likely something else.

How old were her chicks that were taken today? or how long has she been bringing them out for now?

Hope she recovers quickly! :hugs

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