A rooster showed up on our porch last Sunday -- what do we do?

I agree... chickens are ADDICTIVE!!! You find yourself drawn to farm and feed stores in the Spring and they inexplicably find their way into your cart!

I say, build a small coop... plenty of plans to be found.... and get a few girls for him. I mean, if you're gonna have a roo... you might as well get something in return... and fresh eggs are mmm mmm good
Plus, it'll make him ecstatic! They probably had hens that they took with them, leaving him heartbroken!
Speaking from my experience alone...SOME birds are fine by themselves...Obelisk has outlasted 2 buddies and she's doing alright by herself...
If you don't get another bird, you will be your rooster's flock...with all that entails...you'll get danced to, pecked, mounted, maybe flogged or spurred...just to keep you in line...
They *REALLY* respond to their names? You guys are making the thought of raising meat birds less and less attractive by the day...
Now that I have said that. I got two chicks day before Easter. A chick a week or two later. Amonth later I got two more chicks. A couple weeks later I ordered 25 meat birds. Only seventeen made it. Last tuesday I received an order of chicks. LOL you see where this is going? 1 Rohde island red, 1 buff orpington, 1 mystery chick, and 24 more meat birds.
This is truly the most addictive thing EVER

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