a super nest box for a super chicken who lays super poops


Pie Crust Malfunction
11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
houston tx
the title was to get your attention. what sort of wood is best for nest boxes im not sure what kind to get:rolleyes:
The best wood is the type that isn't rotting or falling apart


I don't think it really matters as long as it can hold the weight of the chickens.
yup i agree with this u can make them out of stuff u have or find or get on sale cheap if u have nothing like that available well if its a preferance question u have i prefer plywood but anything will do
no cedar, might seem to smell nice but bad news for the birds.

I used plywood. My wife wanted me to use a plastic container with a hole cut in it, that would have been fine too. Certainly it would have been easier to sanitize.

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