A Support Thread For Those Of Us Living In An Egg-Free Zone

In 8 days Dusty has laid 5 eggs, even laid 2 days in a row!

Granted, the egg carton looks like we are undergoing a conehead invasion, but they are eggs and I am not going to knock them back
Go Dusty. :celebrate I got a pekin egg this morning. Now if all the other freeloaders around here would lay .:rolleyes: Really I don't mind except I bake a lot and refuse to buy eggs from a shop. Luckily the quails are still laying up a storm.
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I can, soon.
I am not happy with the colour but hopefully they will darken with time and the others have yet to lay so theirs might be darker.

I can understand Luke. I have people wanting eggs from my blue marans all the time but they don't lay dark eggs. They are not really light either more like a medium brown with speckles. So far I have refused to sell any when they were laying. See what they come up with when they come back on the lay.
I can happily say I'm getting a nice quantity of eggs now, usually 4 a day. I actually had enough to be able to give my neighbour a dozen

Pointy eggs or round, we'll take 'em all!
Is it not ok to sell poor quality eggs as long as you properly inform the buyer and reduce your price accordingly?
Like they might be happy to improve the birds themselves.

I am one of only few in aus who has the blue marans luke hence everyone wanting eggs. I wont sell any til I am happy with how they are.
Oh I'm so relieved to see this thread! I have 2 "gallina de campo" ie who knows what breed of chicken that I've had about 3 years, and 2 Brahmas that are about 1.5yrs. The last egg was a soft one laid by senior chook a good 2 months ago. They've all moulted and are looking fabulous. All that healthy food and none of it is going to make eggs!
Thanks for the solidarity!
Went through this last winter. Luckily a neighbor sold me some so that I didn't have to resort to store bought garbage. I have since solved the problem... YES !!! Solved it! I bought more chickens.

I'm up to 43. Only 22 adult. I will now get a batch every January and every May. The early birds will start laying in summer, while the others in the fall; when the older ones are due to slow for their first molt. I won't be eggless again...I just couldn't face that! It is no way to live.
Hey Teila, we are in northern NSW and we had no eggs for about 4 months, if not longer. We were getting about 12 a day, then our rooster was killed in the coop by a python. It seemed to spook all the hens out of laying, although at first I thought they were perhaps laying somewhere in the fields. It took us a while to get them returning to the coop at night. They are now happy in their coop despite having had two pekins torn up near there (suspect the resident monitor lizard) and one disappear. We bought clay eggs to try and get them sitting in their nest boxes again. They have a new rooster, our Isa Browns have gone through a full moult, and we are now getting 1 or 2 eggs every day or two day from the six of them. Several of the hens just had fowl pox too, so I suppose that knocked them about a bit. I have almost forgotten when our remaining 7 bantams last laid. The flock seems to have become pets. Ah well, two in the house are vegan and the other two are just having to share the occasional egg.

I can't wait to get back to an excess of eggs to share with friends or to pickle with beetroot (purple whites!), but maybe it won't happen. Some chicks would be great.

Good luck with your chooks and may those boxes fill soon.

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