A thank you message :)


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 13, 2012
i want to just thanks to thanks to the poster who linked to a spraddle leg fix. if i didnt have the internet i would have had to put the chick down.

one of my newest californian quial had spraddle leg on one leg (havent had it in 3 batches i have hatched).

i put a plaster (took a while to figure out what a band aid was as im in uk!) on like indicated (2 person job) very frustrating!
the chick kept falling over backwards so etc but at least the legs were together.
didnt want to leave it on overnight so cut it off before bed (only been on 4 hours)
in morning chick was wandering around almost like the others, next day, cant tell which one it was!

couldnt believe it was fixed within HOURS!

so ty BYC

also no 7 day sleeping sickness followed by 24hr till death issues this batch!thats a first! required antibiotics as one was getting sleepy!

one of the little faces in thi pic says ty! :)

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