A Thread About Trees

Got my trees from Summerstone today . Already planted them 2 apples and a butternut plus a free English Walnut . Nut trees were starting to bud . Now I will have a pollinator for the other English walnut . Butternut usually self pollinate . I have 2 small ones plus 1 planted 10 years ago. Got 1 nut last year . Blooming now and should be more nuts this year .
nice website
I need to get some pin oak . I have a few spots that like to stay damp into the summer.
plus a few of those apples are hard to find out here. ohh and the chandler blueberries.
My order is in at stonenusery.com and I"m waiting for the delivery--- waiting a few days is worse than waiting for weeks. lol Spent more than I intended of course as they had a number of good buys.
I am digging holes for my fruit trees so far 8 done. now these are 25 gallon tubs which are about 25" across and 20 inches deep
is was over 100 here today
i need to finish the fence too but was out of fencing. too many deer around here

They are in rows as I plan to grow them on guide wires like grapes or giant espaliers.
wonderful way to maximize space

my tractor was no help today

fruit trees hiding in the future night time goat pen
Thats a lot of digging in 100 degree heat-- over 80 and I"m toast. lol

Thanks for posting hte pics as I can better seen how a hole is supposed to look. I worry that the roots cannot work into the unworked layers.

Too bad the tractor doesnt have the attachment for digging-- bet it helped carry the tubs over .
Does anyone here grow bananas? I have a dwarf banana, the kind that's supposed to produce fruit. This is my second try with them, the first I killed by leaving out in the cold
My first tree stayed one single tree. The one I have now has 4 other shoots coming off the bottom. I'm not sure what to do about it. Can I split them off and re pot them, or will that mess with the original tree? At this rate, if I leave everything the way it is, it'll need a much larger pot like yesterday. I wouldn't mind separating them and having a few more, but I don't want to kill this one too!

I hope that makes sense. I can take a pic if you guys need to see what I'm talking about
Does anyone here grow bananas? I have a dwarf banana, the kind that's supposed to produce fruit. This is my second try with them, the first I killed by leaving out in the cold
My first tree stayed one single tree. The one I have now has 4 other shoots coming off the bottom. I'm not sure what to do about it. Can I split them off and re pot them, or will that mess with the original tree? At this rate, if I leave everything the way it is, it'll need a much larger pot like yesterday. I wouldn't mind separating them and having a few more, but I don't want to kill this one too!

I hope that makes sense. I can take a pic if you guys need to see what I'm talking about

I have read that you can take the little shoots and put them in their own pots, but I don't really know how you would go about doing it.
Does anyone know how I would go about reviving an old pomegranate tree

have a picture?

weeding around it. mulching over the root zone
feeding it though now id go with something low in nitrogen or at least organic or slow release. the main helpers would for fall winter early spring are the phosphorus and potassium .
They will help get the roots strong and healthy and help the trees immune system.
Then in spring hit them with a more all purpose fertilizer . I do this just after are average last frost date which is wrong in the books here. I like in the mountains and they claim April 15th though up here its Mid May.
the other thing which helps to promote spring growth is pruning. I would prune it back some and this out any dead branching .

just a few ideas

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