A Video Message From Me - Culling Complete - Update on Post #1

its a state...

State of confusion.
most (backyard) flocks have been exposed... it often lies dormant until stress or other pathogenic stressors come into play (like a new bird under stress from moving etc. or already sick > there is your answer for "why quarantine" )
All you can really hope for is "healthy stock" > as you have seen in those articles, being declared "MG free" is really only speaking about an ACTIVE pathogenic MG.
Use common sense (for me that means I do not go to shows nor markets where birds are being sold ) practice meticulous biosecurity and keep all clean, well ventilated and at the first sign of illness or any other stressors take appropriate action. Give your birds regularly a good supplement and keep them wormed.
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Wow, 17 pages, I have a lot of reading to do. I don't visit this particular forum much and had missed your original post. Nice job on the videos.

I'm so very sorry to hear this happened, PC. Thanks for sharing and being so open.
This is my problem, over half my birds are from hatching eggs, the other half Ideal poultry.

WHY OH WHY did I buy any hatching eggs?? I have only been raising chickens for less than a year now, I have a good amount of money invested in feed and time.

Why do the seasoned folks on here push SQ hatching eggs so much knowing full well of this disease and the likelihood of spreading it. When I take a look at how it is spread quarantining just does not prevent it buying hatching eggs would not prevent it. Even if a person claims their eggs are MG free unless they test weekly or monthly or keep a CLOSED flock this is impossible, and even then their are other ways it could get to a flock.

NO more hatching eggs for me, if I ever have to kill my birds I will only buy from Ideal, #$%@ the SQ. How many of us actually enter shows anyway? And from what I understand this is a major, major area of spreading this disease at poultry shows.

I am considering vaccinating my whole flock and I really think this is the only logical, practical, intelligent answer to the dilemma. The same as polio was for humans, and TB, and they are working on HIV vaccine. When a disease can not be defeated this is the intelligent answer, much like the HPV vaccine. Herpes was mentioned by another member, I had not wanted to bring it up and shock people but the experts claim that most of us carry the dormant herpes virus. If you have EVER had a cold sore you have the virus. Maybe a different strain but it is still herpes.

I hope I am not upsetting, but these threads have cost me sleep, I wish I never had opened them. I do not want to put my head in the sand either, but I think most here thinking their flock has not been exposed if they ever buy started, adult, or hatching eggs is exactly that. Looking from a factual base, it cannot be determined that the disease was not already present and had been for a while and not actually the blame of one bird. Unless all birds had already been tested.

PC I am truly sorry for your loss, and the pain you have gone through. I understand you believe you had no choice. If I was in your shoes I would really have to consider offers of hatching eggs. My DW and I discussed this the other night after I read this and a couple other threads and considering getting rid of our chickens and not getting them back. We do not need this kind of heartache at this stage in our life.
I am considering vaccinating my whole flock and I really think this is the only logical, practical, intelligent answer to the dilemma.

I have not checked up on it recently but vaccination has to be approved (or used to be) by the state vet... and not only that it is no guarantee to resolving the problem. (Even non-freerange closed commercial operations
who do use vaccination still have MG problems)​
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You are panicking and letting fear take over!!! Take a deep breath.

I've ordered 100's of hatching eggs and not been infected with MG.
I've never even heard a case of it but have read it's possible for MG
to pass through the egg. I also read it is killed by running the bator
up to 104 for a few hours.

When you hatch eggs you have to brood the chicks. If they had MG
you would know fast. MG is hardest on chicks, young, molting, and
weak birds.

There is no reason to fear anything, just take reasonable precautions.

I put a young bird, who was visibly sick, into my flock. If I hadn't
done that my flock would be ok.

Please everyone, don't turn this thread into a fear fest. For those who
didn't know about MG before your flocks are now safer because you do
From what I understand is MG is only passed to about 1% to 10% of the eggs - so it's not a large percentage! Like PC said, MG is very hard on the weak, so they often die in the shell before hatching. Somewhere I read that it can only be passed to the egg while the hen has an active flare-up, but I'm not 100% certain on that.

I believe hatching eggs are safe. Just take reasonable precautions - reading the seller's feedback is a good start. To take it one step further - search the posts done by the seller. I don't know how many times I'll see a "my chicken is sneezing" post and later see the same person with eggs for sale.
By searching their posts, you can check if they follow basic biosecurity.
Thanks for the video, PC. I am sorry you're going through this, but commend you for taking the necessary steps and opening communication on this topic.

I too introduced a sneezing bird to my flock back in Feb. without realizing the damage it could cause. Out of 7 chicks I brought home from a swap, I soon noticed one sneezing. I had them all separated, but still inside the coop! This cute little bantam had a dainly little sneeze with no other symptoms. Even her brooder-mate had no symptoms. So I finally put them in with the rest of the flock. Wouldn't you know it, eventually all the chickens now sneeze/cough... sounds like a mucousy cough, but again no other symptoms. I spent a couple months hatching eggs this spring, now they're all sneezing/coughing too! Some breeds I've been wanting to get forever! like the Silkies.

Anyway, I don't know what to do. Since I'm not legally allowed to have chickens here on my 1/2 acre, I am afraid to get the birds tested for fear of being reported/fined/watched. Now that I know the seriousness, I won't bring any of my birds out to sell ever! I have had a decrease in egg production, not terrible, but who knows, it's only early spring, after a long molt. I worked so hard all winter/spring to build up my laying flock, I'm very upset that they're all now sick. I hate to think of being without layers for a long time again!!!

Thanks again for your video, messages, and educational posts.
The vaccine only lessons the severity of the clinical signs of MG,,The same thing can be accomplished by keeping birds as stress free as possible. Overcrowding and improper ventilation is a main factor with CRD...I have the instructions for the heat treatment of hatching eggs if anyone is interested..Also I will test for MG,MS in the Southern Counties of Ga free of charge, excluding Lab fees and mileage......

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