A Video Message From Me - Culling Complete - Update on Post #1

Thanks for the video it was very informative.
Thank you for posting this. I had no idea about MG! That's horrible
I know how it feels to cull birds, and I hate it. I know you said not to say we're sorry, but I can't help it. I feel so bad for you and your birds
PC - I've spent the last hour or so watching your video and reading all the posts. I know it has been repeated many times throughout, but thank you. This is a huge wake up call to me and to countless other BYC members. Our bio-security will be greatly improved.

Words fail me, but you are an amazing and courageous person to show us, first hand, what you went through. We have all learned a valuable lesson and because of your selflessness in sharing your pain, countless flocks have been saved. Thank you again
You people are killing me with all these nice things you are saying.

I truly am humbled by this.

Now, since I have the remaining birds to cull tommorrow afternoon
I need to keep my anger at myself up so I don't cry or throw up.

By the way, sharing my frustration in that video was a very healing
experience for me. I hope other will follow with videos of their own,
both happy and sad.

You all have taken this bad experience for me and turned it positive.

Again I say THANKS!!!
Oh PC, my heart breaks for you! That is so horrible. I hope fond memories will help ease some of your pain in having to cull your birds. I too would be crying a river. At least you are doing it now, while they are still in decent health instead of if/when they became ill and started to suffer. Prayers go out to you and may you find peace in your heart.
I love the aprons too they look like they are admiring them on each other.

Are you JOKING??
"Hasn't anyone ever seen a guy make a video and admit when he was a stupid idiot???"
Getting one to admit it is one thing to have PROOF!!!
got a brother??

Thanks for the lesson and SO sorry for your loss. I know what you mean about having the moment of strength to do what you have to do.
I had narrowly escaped infection somehow. I had gotten a bird from someone with health issues, good thing we seperated but I am certainly guilty of putting them in sooner than a month. I am VERY interested in knowing about what comes from hatched eggs that come from an incubator. I will keep reading but had to jump in
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Thanks so much for posting this. I knew about bio-security but I hadn't really thought about it much. I got young birds originally (just getting ready to start laying when I got them) and ordered chicks and hatched my ducks. I have thought about adding more, now I'll think very hard about it and if I do, I'll definitely be quarantining them. I do still have a large brooder that I could easily use as a quarantine pen, but I'm wondering how far is far enough. You said far enough that they don't breathe the same air. So, front yard when the main flock is in the backyard? Would that be far enough?

Thanks again and I wish you strength to finish what you have to do tomorrow.
Oh what a heart wrenching video.... And what a huge eye opening thing to watch for someone like myself just starting out.

It has given me valuable knowledge to never bring in others into my flock (though I think 8 is plenty for me starting out).

I know even all our words of encouragement can never completely assage your sorrow and anger at yourself, but we are only human and make decisions sometimes based on our hearts and not logical thought. We can kick ourselves in the shins and gut and seethe ourselves, but you took your mistake and are trying to help others.

In time your grief will ease and until then know you have at least one very thankful listener... and my thoughts and prayers are with you today...

Update 6-13-09:
All my hens/pets are now buried in the garden. My non-chicken friends joked
with me about my "pet cemetary" in my front yard. Wasn't really cool but heck,
they're just chickens right? The meat roosters and 9 quail still remain alive until
I can have them processed or do it myself.

Culling so many birds that I've gotten to know, and were my pets, was worse than
I thought it would be. This is a bad feeling I have in my gut. Having to cull an
occasional sick bird is one thing, but the all out slaughter of this many birds
at once, just sucked bad.

Don't let this happen to you. Please.

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