A Visiting Chicken in my yard. Please help me!

Good news. I do have someone coming to get him. She has a small ranch in Bailey. She has chickens and recently lost a rooster, so he will be going to a good home. She is a friend of a friend.

There is no way I could try to "sneak" him to stay. Unfortunately, I've already had legal trouble this year and am facing court dates already for an unlawful arrest. I don't want to do the slightest thing to sully my chances of being found by the jury to be the good citizen that I am. The rooster just can't stay here. I can't take any chances at all with the law.

I'm so glad I found someone who can take him that I feel good about.

Sounds like a win-win.

Well, you were a nice vacation stop for him in his quest for a new home. Great job finding him a new home and keeping him fed and healthy in the mean time.

Another happy ending.
It took me several years, but I did finally get some hens! I have 5, 5-week-olds 3 are production reds, and 2 are barred rocks. Anyway, our roo from this thread is still living on the ranch out in Bailey and doing fine.

We went out to visit him about a year ago. We bought a hedgehog from his adoptive mama. He's fathered lots of baby chicks since then. He has a broken toe. He already had it before he showed up in my yard that day, but the gal who took him is the one who noticed it. Maybe he had been fighting with another roo where ever he came from and that's why he got thrown out.

I'll come back later and post photos of my new babies somewhere else, but I did want to follow up on this thread that Mr Rooster that came to visit had a very happy ending and is still doing well.

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