a weird question as to hatching


8 Years
May 24, 2011
Welsh La
soo i was wondering how long are eggs still good and well would a broody chicken hatch them and would they be ok and if i refrigerate them are they any good still >> lol i was just wandering
After eggs are layed, they can remain viable for incubation for about 7 to 10 days if they have been kept in the right conditions temp wise. Not too warm or too cold. If you refrig them, they probably won't hatch. Yes, a broody hen might hatch them, even a broody duck.
No they wont hurt the babys.you better catch them when they start hatching or they will be running all over the place.
oo yea lol
that wouldt be fun chasing those little buggers lol
Actually a broody hen can kill the babies. She can crush the eggs before hatching and after hatching it has been known that she can kill them. Sometimes she will reject the eggs and it is best to place them under her during the night time darkness, that way they are there in the morning. Read some of these posts in the chicken behaviors section about getting broodies to hatch eggs. It is not always easy. That is a good reason to remove any babies at hatch time from under the hen.
yea i was thinking that too and considering im only get one egg a day from my quail i think ill be getting an incubator this pay check lol but thanks for the advice im keeping the freshly laid eggs on the counter not the fridge guess ill pickle the other ummies

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