AAARRGGH...Canine Serial Killer! Help!

I have heard that you can sprinkle chili powder around the perimeter of the property. As the dog comes in it will sniff it and then decide on it's own not to come on the property anymore. I'm not sure if this works but I have heard it from several sources. Something to try if you don't want to permanently ensure the dog doesn't come on the property.
I think we're going to try this. I heard about a particular green gel you can get which repels dogs but chilli is what he have on hand. Thankyou @MrSelf Destruct!
Talking about pepper gets me to thinking if you can do a sort of Pavlovian experiment. Maybe take a pile of chicken feathers and some chicken meat and cover it with some pure capsaisin, ghost chili, habenero or something like that. Dog checks out nice chicken smell and gets a snoot full of that stuff. PAIN. Repeat until the smell of chicken makes the dog wince. Think that might work?
Lead is your solution. High velocity lead! Once a predator gets a taste of blood and knows where the meal ticket is, good luck keeping it out, especially if the owner of the dog doesn't discipline. Now, there are less lethal lessons you can use. Rock Salt in a .410 Shotgun. That works for dang near everything. I know my advice is not PC or kind, but neither will the dog if he gets ahold of a chicken. Animals think in terms of "Is the risk worth the reward?". If the consequences are quite painful, the one may outway another. But understand this, if he gets one, he will more than likely never be broke of the habit. Other than that, keep em under lock and key or behind some friendly electric fence. And don't spare on the Joule rating. Seen dogs bolt under .5 joules before. 1 joule will light up a dog enough that it will be his last go round.
Talking about pepper gets me to thinking if you can do a sort of Pavlovian experiment. Maybe take a pile of chicken feathers and some chicken meat and cover it with some pure capsaisin, ghost chili, habenero or something like that. Dog checks out nice chicken smell and gets a snoot full of that stuff. PAIN. Repeat until the smell of chicken makes the dog wince. Think that might work?
I like this too as a deterrent.
Will do and thanks to everyone else as well.
I would seriously consider the electric fence option.... Repellants lose their effectiveness very quickly so even if they work initially you have to maintain them frequently. I installed electric last summer and its been 100% effective to date. We have bears, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, mink, etc. just sayin....
Ive heard my grandpa say it a hundred times once a dog got the taste 0f blood theres no turning him back , I m sorry about the dog owners and there attitude ,,, but im glad its you and not me (Id be going to JAIL) I cant stand rudeness if it were me call the law , let them ddeal with it ,
As an owner of 6 large dogs I don't believe that pepper will do anything to deter this dog. Or any dog for that matter. Either you find a permanent solution such as electric fencing or you may just have to wait it out and see what happens to the chickens.
Has this dog threatened your personal property at all?!?!
PS. Good standing with neighbors or not!!! It is their responsibility to keep their dog under control. And if they are powerless you need to take matters into your own hands!!!!!

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