Aagghhh!!! Hatch day is tomorrow!!!

Grats for some reason all of mine like to hatch at night. this weekend we had one hatch while my son's GF watched, she was utterly rivited and is now as quail-crazy as he is.
Yes it is, I recorded one of my chicks zipping and popping out
from my last hatch.

same here, i got one of mine on video hatching
maybe my attention span is too short but my god youll never see a video of my chicks hatching.
my bators have been tunred on and pretty much full since march and seeing a chick hatch from start to finish is a slooowwww process, it's certainly not for me. i LOVE seeing pips, going out somewhere and coming home to them all hatching at once. then i watch them for a little.

p.s. you know it's a bad idea to open the bator during this time. your letting all the humitity and temps out. this is a critical time for the humitity and temps to be steady and left alone! i think you already knew that too! like i'v been told before SIT ON YOUR HANDS youll be much better off with a MUCHHH better hatch.

GOOD LUCK! and congrats on all those buttons your hatching. youll be overwhelmed in no time at this rate!

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