ABCs of poultry Genetics


11 Years
May 2, 2009
Forest Lake, Minnesota
Anybody read "The ABCs of Poultry Genetics? Is this a good book for understanding the genetics of silkie breeding? I am looking for a good book to help me set up a breeding program for silkies.I am also looking for a book that would help you set up a profitable breeding program. Thanks. I am interested in both the science and the business end.
I have this book, and due to its age consider it more of an historical document than anything else.
Good if you collect books on the history of poultry genetics, but otherwise not good value for money.
There are a number of recent poultry genetics books, but none deal exclusively with one breed.
Perhaps someone will suggest a Silkie breed book.
In ascending order of cost
An Introduction To Color Forms of the Domestic Fowl, Brian Reeder,ISBN 1-4259-0421-1 Author House,2006

21st Century Poultry Breeding, Grant Brereton,ISBN 97809-47870-577 Golden Cockerel Books, 2008

Genetics of Chicken Colours - The Basics, S van Dort ,D Hancox & Friends, ISBN 978-90-6674-404-2Avicultura/Delta Press, 2009
David Hancox
vpeterson, I purchased "Genetics of Chicken Colours - The Basics" a while ago now & highly recommend it if you are into colour breeding. Full of colourful pictures & with easy to understand explanations for the beginner (like me), & gives the likely genotypes for colour along with accompanying picture, plus much more; excellent value for money. I also have "An Introduction To Colour Forms of the Domestic Fowl" & although it has helped my understanding, doesn't have any pics at all nor as comprehensive. Can't comment on Brereton' book sorry.

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