About how tall is a six week old chick?

There is no set height unless you know the breed. A 6 week old malay would be taller than a full grown serama.
A Jersey Giant of the same age would likely be twice the size of same age silkie.
A 6 week Barbezieux may be 3 times as tall as the same age bantam Dorking.
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I have Barred rocks, buff Orpington, lavender Orpington, buff Brahma, Barnevelder, Australorp, Laced Wyandotte’s. Except for the Orpingtons they are all currently about the same size.
My eight-week-old bantam Cochins are about two to four inches at their shoulder (do chickens have shoulders?) and my eight-week-old mystery is about five to seven inches at the shoulder.

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