? about llamas

It's a promotional for The Hammond Hotel that has a Llama as their mascot. They have a huge story dating way back to how this llama got stranded in their back yard from a boat somehow. Anyway every year they have what is called The Running of the Llamas. It's a pretty big event and they always have runners that come from all over to race the llamas. There are runners that have to be turned away. So the llamas/alpacas get paraded down the street and hang out with all the people at the grill/bar while people make friendly bets on them. There are neat write ups on all the llamas and people really seem to enjoy them. Then they run in heats only a block and the winners run. The llamas get the prize of a basket of celery, carrots, etc. and they share it with the other lamas. For bringing out llamas we got a 50 dollar gift certificate to the grill/bar and three drink tokens and two t-shirts. Now DH and I have a free date night cause we have some friends that offered babysitting prior to this for us to go out. It was truly fun hanging out with the people and seeing the kids just adore our friendly beasts. There are so many pictures of our guys it is crazy.

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