About to break the record!

my daughter's doing that now...she sounds aweful.

I was logged on all day...doesn't mean i was sittin at the screen whenever this record breakin happened but i would have been on the list...na na na debi...i'm the winner!
No that would be rude. But I did in my head!
it'd be much funnier if my neck and back didn't ache and if i wasn't so darn tired from my kiddos being sick....again.....

since byc did such a great job breaking records...i think debi owes me a back rub.

i can't...my arms and hands have been getting numb and tingley...what does that mean? what does it mean????

my neck and back are real sore...oh no....that's it....i'm gonna have to bust out the meds....close your eyes...it wont' be pretty....

mahonri was so busy at the office today...he decided to stay on byc and wait for something lively to happen....

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