Abscess on foot. **pic** UPDATE

I also bought a liquid, but when I squirted into the water it stuck together like an oil slick.
Betadine is povidone-iodine. There are several types of iodine. There is 7% iodine, which is VERY strong and you don't want to use it on open wounds. You can tell if you have this kind because the fumes will burn your eyes! We only use it for navels of newborn animals.

Iodine scrub is used in surgeries or cleaning areas of the skin.

Iodine solution (and betadine) are used in cleaning wounds. It's usually a 10% povidone-iodine/water mix.
this is so strange...and I hope I never have to do that for one of my chickens...
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OH CRAP......My EE Snow has it on both feet. One is a little swollen and hard on the bottom. The other was just a small scab. I need to cut from heel to toe......across the hole and look for something yellow?
OMG...What causes this?
She sleeps up on the top of out coop...About 8 feet up.....Would that cause this? Do I need to make it so she can not roost up that high?
I guess I am on my way to the drug store again....I do love my chickens but they are worse than kids sometimes.......
My EE is doing much better. I did do the lance a second time (I could not eat the rest of the day, made me sick but I did it!) Only blood came out and no pus. My DH worked on it a bit the next day and he says some pus came out. Today, the swelling has gone down a lot. I did let her out to free range (she promised she would be careful
) She has been a good patient for me.

aggie, thanks for the tip on the direction to lance, that is what I was wanting to know. I did do the 'X' on the bottom of the pad. Next time I will know.

O P, thanks for starting the thread, I learned a lot!!
Say a little prayer.... I am about to go looking for yellow plugs......
I hope it is not to hard on my sweet girl....She is going to hate me after this........

This is a picture of Snow.....

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