Actually a duck.


May 28, 2020
We are just getting into chickens and ducks. Got 7 chickens about 3.5 weeks ago and a Khaki Campbell duck. Just 1 duck. Tried to get him to swim a few times. HATES IT! Screams bloody murder until reunited with his chicken friends. I got him in water the other day, because I thought his wings looked funny - like he needed a bath. See attached picture of the spot on his wing. Maybe it's a natural look with the feathers growing in but I'm not sure so asking. Today I noticed this funny coloring around his eyes. See other picture. Is this something I should be worried about? He acts normal, but I just am not sure....any advice?
It sounds like your duck has decided it’s a chicken! :D It’s crazy cute by the way! is the lighter color made of down like the surrounding brown part? Not crusty or hard or weird? It’s kind of hard to tell by the photo but I doubt it’s anything to worry about. Could just be quills coming in that are different colors than the feathers.

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