Acupuncture for Chickens


Apr 9, 2017

I am curious to know if any of you have any information and/or experience with veterinary acupuncture for chickens.... particularly with seizures in chickens. As some of you may of seen in one of my threads last night, we have a Svart pullet having seizures with wry neck as a symptom.

I know this may be too in the holistic realm for there to be a lot of info on it yet-- especially with chickens. But after doing some research I see it has been done for egg binding and some other problems in chickens.

I did just take a veterinary science course, including a whole unit on holistic veterinary medicine, so I do kind of have an idea of what I am talking about, lol. I have read acupuncture can help with epilepsy in people, and it can be very helpful with animals for all sorts of things- injuries, arthritis, all sorts of stuff. My thoughts on it are it would relieve pressure and help to stop the abnormal signals she is getting to her brain.

Any thoughts, stories, and information are greatly welcome :D
I'm just bumping this to see if anyone else has any knowledge about this? Or about Chinese herbs for chickens?

We went and got our Svart pullet Nutri-Drench today, so we will see if that helps at all.

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