ad size?

It's a great question with a tricky answer. We have a lot of ad partners and each one has it's own network of ad partners. At any given time an ad on BYC can be from one of many many different ad networks and trying to isolate which ad network and then which advertiser in that network is responsible for the ad can be super difficult.

Fortunately the "click url" will often give us the info we need to track down the ad network serving the ad. From that point, the ad network searches for the offender and tries to figure out why the wrong ad was showing in the wrong place.

In a case like this, the wrong size ad may have been uploaded into the wrong ad-slot and/or the wrong ad code or image may have been used when setting up the ad.
Different one this time.

@twsfarm that was exactly what we needed and it looks like our ad manager was able to find the ad and get rid of it. Hopefully that won't happen again, but if it does, grabbing that URL makes it much easier to track down!

When I tried quoting someone in the CO thread, a big ad popped into the middle of the reply window. It was for a beer, natural light or something like that, had an x in the corner but it didn't go away. Then when I hit submit the ad took over the whole page.
I didn't know there was a special area for mobile issues, otherwise I would have gotten the URL for it.
Was that on your desktop computer or mobile?

If possible, we'll need a screenshot of the ad and the mouseover / click URL to determine if the ad is from one of our partners (like Google AdSense) or not.
iPad, mobile version of the website.
Like I said, I didn't know there was a forum for mobile feedback, otherwise I would have gotten the URL. When it happens again, I'll get it.

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