Add Hens to the Flock


6 Years
Jun 6, 2013
Is it necessary to separate new hens of a different breed before mixing them. If so, for how long? All are adult hens. I have 2 Bantams and 2 Americaunas. I am adding 3 Golden Sex Linked. Thanks.
It's not really necessary to separate different breeds unless you're talking about mixing silkies and Rhode Island Reds or some other incompatible mix.
However, it is necessary to quarantine new birds for at least 2 weeks and as far away as possible - at least 50 feet but the longer and farther, the better.
Many diseases spread quite far in the air. You also don't want to mix new birds until you're sure they aren't bring parasites and not just disease.
A bird with lice or mites will infect the whole coop.
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