My thinking is that I have 6 chicks and thanks to you lovely people I feel 98.3% positive I'm guaranteed 4 hens because they are red and black sex links. I then have 2 barred rocks that were labeled as pullets, but you know
So chicken math is kicking in. Right now I'm just telling myself to get 2 more and if they all end up hens then I'd rehome some of the sex links because I really do like my flock of 6 and don't have the money to build a huge coop. BUT if I get some roosters then hopefully with the "extra" chicks I'd still end up with 6ish hens and I'd happily be able to rehome any roosters and still have my ideal flock size Make sense to you? Cause it does to me.
My daughter and I are lucky enough to be sharing a home with my mom, doesn't work for everyone but it's been awesome for us. I never really asked my mothers permission to get the chicks, I just asked her how mad she would be and then said tough She doesn't take care of them at all, has nothing to do with them. So I'm thinking if I brought home a few more she probably wouldn't even notice