Adding a Rooster to a current Pullet flock


6 Years
Dec 28, 2017
West, TX
I am considering getting a really pretty EE Rooster to add to my current pullet flock of 4. (More are on the way, but still not “mature” enough yet).
I know that there will be an initial 2-4 week separation period, but after that is there anything I need to do/prepare for in regards to adding him to my girls? I’ve read lots of integration posts, but most were regarding pullets/hens.
This would be my first rooster, so any and all advice is appreciated. :cool:
I always like to pen any new poultry where others can get a good look at and greet through a fence for a while before trying to let them mingle.
Adding a rooster to your birds will change the flock dynamics, they will look to him, he will look to you. But I like having one. Best rooster I ever had was an EE.

I would not add him till your pullets are laying, but after that I have always found a rooster addition to an established flock the easiest of any bird.
Adding a rooster to your birds will change the flock dynamics, they will look to him, he will look to you. But I like having one. Best rooster I ever had was an EE.

I would not add him till your pullets are laying, but after that I have always found a rooster addition to an established flock the easiest of any bird.

I am prepared for that, and have a plan in case that happens. However, I have talked to the owner, and according to her, he is a sweetheart. I guess we'll wait and see. :fl

Most boys of any species can be a pain. :lol: but I'm sure the males of the world would disagree.

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