Adding a rooster


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2015
I have 7 hens all around a year old and all 7 are different breeds(Jersey giant,cochin,ee,red star,flavorelle,oliver egger and a brahama) ,I would like to add a rooster because I want one, I found a silkie roo for sale same age,will he be a good fit owner says he is docile?any tips on adding him?Thx
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I don't see why you couldn't add him. He is going to be smaller than most of them so breeding might be an issue if that is what you're looking for. He also may be picked on by some of the larger hens if he is too docile.
x2. A Silkie rooster with those breeds might get picked on, especially if he isn't the dominant type. However, you probably would not have to worry about it flogging you since they do tend to be a more docile breed.

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