adding babies to existing flock


Aug 28, 2019
my babies chicken are going to be 3 will be 12 weeks on the 15 and 10 of them 10 weeks old around the same time. I want to add them to the flock but how can I give them their food and the other chickens not get at it.
You can't unless you keep them separate. If you do a see no touch for about a week it will help with integrating them with out many problems. why are you trying to keep the older chickens out of their feed.
we have been doing see no touch for a few weeks. I am new at adding to the flock. the only part is the food that we have not gotten down. can my older chicken that are laying be ok eating the growing crumble and are the babies ok eating laying pellets. can I just mix everything together.
can my older chicken that are laying be ok eating the growing crumble and are the babies ok eating laying pellets. can I just mix everything together.

Don't mix the feed. Put all of the chickens on the same feed you're feeding the babies or use some sort of all flock/flock raiser/grower feed. Oyster shell on the side will provide calcium for layers.

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