Adding chicks and broody hens back to flock


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 19, 2013
Saturday my 2 silkies started hatching chicks, latest one this morning. They stole eggs the past few weeks so lots of hatch dates. I've put most eggs in the incubator since most don't fit under and will stick under a hen when it pips or chirps.
I had them all together but Sunday my Barred Rock sat on my silkies head then dropped an egg beside her and then accidently stepped on a chick. I've separated them for now. I have an Americauna rooster, 1 Barred Rock (top hen), 2 Easter Eggers, 2 Highland Browns, 2 Silkies, and 8 chicks. When is it ok to reintroduce them?
The mama hen will take her chicks out herself when she is ready, usually by the end of the first week. If she had a high standing in the flock most of the time her chicks will be accepted.If she is a low chicken you need to watch carefully. Either way make sure that the chicks have plenty of hiding places.
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I had a white plymouth rock go broody and hatch3 chicks ( not hers). I kept her seperate from the group for 3 weeks, I gave her and the chicks their own run, but fed the other hens and rooster right next to the fence so they could eat together as a group. The white rockie was at the top of the pecking order until i bought new hens ( while white rockie was sitting on eggs) so she essentially was "new" to the group again. I decided to let her into the group again after the chicks were 3 weeks old. The other hens don't even care about the chicks, but boy I tell ya, they chase my white rockie around like cat and mouse. The chicks try to keep up with momma, but she's quick lol. It's been 2 weeks since I let her back into the group and the others have calmed down a lot. Every one is happy and so are the chicks. I have another broody hen now and her eggs will hatch next weekend. I'm going to immedietly let her into the group as soon as she's comfortable bringing out her chicks. I only have her in a run to stop my other hens from laying eggs in her nest... They all want her to hatch their eggs lol
My silkies are lowest on the pecking order unfortunately. My barred rock is sweet to us, mean to the other chickens. So far I have been keeping the door shut between the runs but supervise the rooster visiting.

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