Adding fan/egg turner to the incubator?


11 Years
Aug 24, 2008
So we attended our county 4H meeting last night and I let Jacob talk me into taking home some eggs one of the poultry superintendants brought. They're all set in the incubator. DH didn't pick up a turner or a fan with the incubator and I really would like to add them. Is it ok to add them now that the eggs are already in there? This is our first time with this so any advice/suggestions are appreciated. I've read some of the guides in the stickies but didn't find anything about this.
adding the turner is a simple step, just take the eggs out put the turner in and add the eggs. The temp will need to be adjusted again at the top of the eggs. Adding a fan is more of an issue. The lid will need to be off for a time while the fan is installed. Probably it is best to wait till these eggs are finished incubating before you add the fan.
Oh just remmber anytime you add something to the bator or open it for more then a min or so it will lose temp , you dont have to adjust it to get it back up just wait for it to go up on its own , unless it takes a long long time. I have a still air little giant , I have learnd once its at temp , NO touchy

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