Adding new breeds into flock


Jan 28, 2019
SE Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Hey guys!

Spring time is coming which means chick time is coming!! I would like to add to my flock of 26. I would like to add color into my egg basket, as well as pretty birds in general to my flock. I have 5000 sq ft for them to range during the day, as well as a 280 sq ft completely secure coop for nighttime, so space isn’t an issue. I’m just looking to add about 10 more (hopefully I don’t go too overboard).

I already have a mix of Andalusian, SLW, Hampshires, sapphire gems, a couple EE’s, a few bantams, and welsummers.

My question is, what breeds should I look into getting? Also, do y’all normally order from hatcheries or scavenge local feed stores for the selective breeds that you want?

Climate is SE Texas, so heat and mild winters (usually).
I already have a mix of Andalusian, SLW, Hampshires, sapphire gems, a couple EE’s, a few bantams, and welsummers.

As far as breeds go I suggest you go through Henderson's Breed Chart and look at the characteristics, then go to Feathersite to see what they look like. Henderson's and Feathersite only has certain breeds and some that you already have are not breeds but crosses or chickens developed and sold under marketing names. Nothing is going to be comprehensive, there are way too many options out there.

Henderson’s Breed Chart


do y’all normally order from hatcheries or scavenge local feed stores for the selective breeds that you want?

Talk to the person at your feed store and see how they do it. You may be able to request certain breeds. Each feed store is unique, even if they are part of the same chain so talk to the people that now how that specific feed store manages it.
My question is, what breeds should I look into getting?

It looks like you have mostly blue and black chickens (I only see one brown in that shot)... it might be fun to stay with all combinations of blue and black.

For egg colors, you don't yet have dark brown eggs...

Penedesenca and Empordanesa are a Spanish breed (supposedly the Empordanesa are the same as the Penedesenca simply a solid color) that should do great in your heat. They lay a nice dark brown. They are available in several colors including a black... but they are pretty rare... you will have to search.

Egyptian Fayoumi, Minorca, Leghorns or Ancona would all be excellent in heat. Ancona are black with white spots, I think they would be great in a black and blue chicken flock.

Leghorns come in almost every possible color, no joke! They do all lay white eggs, but the choice of feather color is huge and they are great in heat.

All of the mediterranen breeds are perfect in heat.

Also, do y’all normally order from hatcheries or scavenge local feed stores for the selective breeds that you want?

Hatcheries work.

I love the gamble and selection of hatching shipped eggs.. but it is a huge risk. However, finding small breeders of exactly what I want is rewarding.

I have also bought chicks from the local feed store... that works too.
Most of my normal laying flock comes from impulse decisions at the feed store. I like to get a variety so if I buy 6 chicks I want 1-2 of each breed. Some hatcheries make you get 6+ of a specific type.

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