Adding new chicks to flock

Kiki A

7 Years
Feb 9, 2012
Hey y'all, I lost a barred rock hen named Salt a little while ago:hit. I'm getting three chicks to replace her in April. The problem is, I don't know what breeds to get! I'm thinking of getting two Campines and a Plymouth Rock, but I don't know if the campines will work with my flock of five. I have a Plymouth rock, two ameraucanas, a buff orpington, and a white leghorn... Any suggestions?
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I'm don't think that getting different breeds would be a problem as long as you introduce them well. I would keep your new chicks separated while they are young, because they are more susceptible to diseases when they are young. It's no different than puppies, kittens or children. They have no immune system to help fight off any thing they get, so keeping them separate from elders are crucial. Now as they get older, like at least 6 months I would say, then you should be able to still keep them separated from your others but able to see each other and smell.
Another thing, be sure that your chicks are getting a Merak's vaccine at one day old
I really love your information. At what age can i begin to intorduce the new babies to the older girls? I have new babies that will be here in 2 weeks and the other girls (and boys) are at least 2 years old now. I really didn't want to have to eliminate the older ones simply because i'm getting new girls. Is there an easy way to get them all together?
Yeah, I have one year old hens, so when we get ours we have a run for when they're old enough to go outside. We also have a mini coop for them. We built the run in a day or two so you could do that. You also should make sure not to let them near the other chickens until they are fully feathered. Hope that helps.:jumpy
I have 1 year old hens and i have a run and a mini coop. it took us a day or 2 to build the run but we built the little coop in a night. hope you have fun with your new babies! post pics when you get them.
Thanks ever so much for your advice. I will be building the mini-coop this weekend, so i don't hafta worry about it the week they are arriving. I'll be happy to post up pics. I have such an interesting array of girls, and 2 boys. But the ones who will be arriving soon will be big egg layers, so i'm really excited about that.

Thanks again for your help.

Merging 2 Flocks Together
There is a specific way to introduce them to each other for sure. Ages have a lot to do with it also? Pecking order has a lot to do with it? Over crowding is a big consideration. Feeding is the most competitive situation there is and the food is all about pecking order and regarding who gets first dibs and bragging rights. Is the Polish an older flock than the ones you have? If they are you stand a better chance at integration.
Here is what I would do. #1 isolate (quarantine) the new birds to make sure of illnesses first for at least a week if not more. This allows you to get familiar with the new girls. #2 inspect them over the week or so to make sure there is no injuries already. Check the entire body for scraps scratches or any infection stuff. #4 Ask the old owner who is the first girl in the pecking order and next and so on so you knows who is the boss. #3 make time throughout the week or so to inspect each birds stool to see if its runny, bug infested, solid or if there is blood in any of the birds. #4 find out what are the new kids favorite foods so you can bribe them to you. #5 they need to know and understand where is there new home so they need to be not only locked in the new coop/run/brooder during the day all day while the regular hens are around. #6 build a chicken divider from the furthest place in the coop right up to the door of the coop and put the new on one side and the old on the other side but at night you need to carry the new girls to a temp sleeper so the old girls can go to their own coop/run/sleeper. You do not want them being disturbed daily cycle wise. #7 put coop food/water exactly opposite the other sides food/water so they see each other every day after the first week or so quarantine time while eating. Why, food is the most competitive time and the survival of the fittest comes into play and they will hurt and pull feathers and peck to the point of hurting and drawing blood maintain the pecking order that is in place. #8 week 3 after a max 2 week lock down in the temp side you will let them in the run together supervised and in the run as the referee between the 2 or 3 or even 4 top of the pecking order birds. You may just want to put the lower of the old group in the temp side of the coop supervised to see if they will be confrontational if not let them run around in the run but to bribe them and come back in the coop with bribes of favorite foods like mill worms or whatever if they will be good girls. #9 start letting them in the 3 week time or 4th week start interacting together without you and your have done your part and great job. Its not always easy but look for fights or disputes but your really done merging 2 flocks safely. Best of luck to you.

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