adding new pullets


Welcome to BYC!

Yes, you will need to keep them separate for several weeks to keep the chaos from turning into a blood bath. Keep the newbies in a cage or fenced off area within the flock at all times. Leave them this way for about 3 weeks. Then you can mix them in. Watch them closely on mixing day and the rest of that week. Always intervene if it turns bloody.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X3 on it is best to introduce them slowly, also depending on where the new ones come from you might consider doing a health quarantine to be sure the new girls aren't carrying something that can make yours sick.
and Welcome To BYC! X3 on it is best to introduce them slowly, also depending on where the new ones come from you might consider doing a health quarantine to be sure the new girls aren't carrying something that can make yours sick.
Agreed with quarantining newbies.

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